A gift of KES 100 to everyone who pre-registers.


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About Us

Hundreds of millions of Africans are excluded from global markets. They simply have no means to access them. We are here to change that. Cryptosasa is becoming to be the first crypto exchange operating (for now) in Kenya and fully integrated with all payment methods that are familiar to the people

It's mainly and on ramp/off ramp, but once you are in crypto, you know that it's a lot more. We intend to create value by bringing financial freedom to Kenyans, and other regions. It's just a start. But Cryptosasa is the beginning of mass adoption of Crypto currencies for Africans. To welcome us to this stage, we are giving every Kenyan the chance to get in line early and receive 100 KES worth of crypto in their wallets the moment we go online and they open up their Cryptosasa account.

This is not an empty promise. It is our welcoming offer and will be available to everyone. No if's no but's. Register now and start your crypto journey with your free 100 KES. Be one of the first to know when we go live.



BTC -1.47%



ETH -2.94%



DOGE -1.72%



NEO -2.90%



XRP -1.39%



DASH 0.99%



WAWES -1.14%



XMR -4.52%

We complete every project
with extra care as customer need.

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